Why Carbon Capture and Air Pollution Control go Hand in Hand

Nellie Technologies was recently invited to present our technology to Guy’s and St. Thomas’s air quality partnership and the Impact on Urban Health organisation hosted by Breathable Cities. 

Impact on Urban Health is dedicated to improving air pollution in urban areas like London because air pollution is responsible for over 7 million premature deaths annually. Impact on Urban Health addressed the inequalities between individuals and corporations and emphasised the need to lower air pollution in urban areas to bridge the gap between the inequalities and improve the overall health that is resulting from air pollution. 

While carbon capture and air pollution control are different, they share a similarity in that there is an inequality between polluting corporations to how pollution affects individuals. In addition, both carbon capture and air pollution control are vital components to improving the environment. Although they address different aspects of emissions, the concepts, and the goals are aligned by their shared objective of improving the environment and bridging the inequality gap between polluting corporations and individuals who are harmed.  

Carbon capture and air pollution control are intertwined in several ways. First, they both target emissions originating from various industrial activities such as steel development, transportation, and power generation. By implementing technologies and strategies that are developed and aimed toward air pollution control, industries can adapt them to capture and remove CO2 from their emissions. This integration enables a simulation reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and harmful pollutants, leading to a significant environmental benefit. 

Taking coordinated action on air pollution and climate change brings immediate health advantages and long-term climate advantages. Realising the synergies between improving air quality and combating climate change is a beneficial way for cities to capitalise on the evolving industries and improve the environment.

Photo by Pedro Ramos


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